What's New
The WDA sports and activities season will begin next month, and soon the sounds of music will fill the air. School pep bands will be a familiar sight at football games and volleyball matches. Several fall band and choir concerts will be held as well. Many schools will also put on a fall drama production. In early November, the annual Student Congress event will be held at the Capitol. December will usher in holiday musical concerts. Photos: WDA SID, Bismarck Public Schools; Minot Public Schools; Jamestown Public Schools; Dickinson Schools; Watford City Schools; Williston Schools; TMCHS Schools; Mandan Schools Looking for fine arts photos/images from our WDA members to post on the Fine Arts page. Images or Links to images/video can be sent to wdasports@yahoo.comGearing up for 2024-25
Photos/Video Clips Wanted!
Music/Choir Drama Speech Debate Student Congress
2024-25 Key Dates
- 2024 Student Congress
- Nov. 7-8, Bismarck State Capitol
- 2024-25 WDA, ND All-State Music Festivals-Competitions
- WDA Vocal, April 3, Bismarck
- WDA Strings, April 9, Jamestown
- WDA Percussion/Sax, TBA
- WDA Woodwinds, TBA
- WDA Brass, TBA
- ND State Vocal, April 25
- 2024-25 Class A State One-Act
- April 7-8, Devils Lake
- 2024-25 WDA Meet
- April 5
- 2024-25 ND Speech Meet
- April 26