WDA Brand

The Western Dakota Association (WDA) created a logo which could be easily recognizable and illustrate characteristics of the long-standing North Dakota high school conference.   

The connecting W-D-A letters represent the strong bond the conference members have shared for eight decades of competition.   

The 12 stars within the three-dimensional 'A' lettering represent the 12 full members. (Bismarck High, Dickinson, Mandan, Minot High, Williston, Bismarck St. Mary's, Jamestown, Bismarck Century, TMCHS Belcourt, Bismarck Legacy, Watford City and Minot North).  

In conjunction with its 75th anniversary in 2013, WDA leadership felt it important to create the WDA brand to distinguish itself. The logo has been displayed on team and postseason banners and apparel as well as on the official website. In the future, the logo will become more prominent within each school and displayed in school colors. A secondary logo (above) is also used from time to time and features pennants with all 12 schools surrounding the main conference logo.   

The WDA logo is property of the conference and its member schools and is registered with the ND Secretary of State. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. For logo use requests, or more information, contact the WDA director of sports information at wdasports@wdasports.org or by calling: (701-776-5836).