2024-2025 Boys Swim & Dive Postseason Information

The 2024-25 boys' swimming and diving postseason begins with the WDA Championships to be hosted by Bismarck Public Schools on Friday, Feb. 28 and Saturday, March 1. The event will be held at the BSC Aquatics and Wellness Center. Participating schools: Bismarck High, Bismarck Century, Bismarck Legacy, Dickinson, Jamestown, Mandan, Minot High, Williston

Friday, Feb. 28

WDA Championships, Bismarck BSC Aquatic and Wellness Center

Diving Preliminary Round, TBD

March 1

WDA Championships, Bismarck BSC Aquatic and Wellness Center

Diving Semifinals and Finals, TBD

Swimming Finals, TBD

The 2024-25 ND state championships will be hosted by West Fargo Public Schools and held at the Hubert Aquatic Center on Friday, March 7 and Saturday, March 8. 

Friday, March 7

ND State Championships, West Fargo Hubert Aquatic Center

Diving Preliminary rounds, 12:30 p.m.

Swimming Preliminary rounds, 3:15 p.m.

Friday, March 8

ND State Championships, West Fargo Hubert Aquatic Center

Diving Semifinals, 10:45 a.m. 

Swimming and Diving Finals, 1:15 p.m.