Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

09/14/24 9:00 am • West Fargo

Boys Tennis: Sheyenne Invite

Event Name: Sheyenne Invite • West Fargo • 09/14/24 9:00 am
Team Totals: 1. WF Sheyenne, 35; T2. Mandan, 24; T2. G.F. Red River, 24; 4. Minot High, 16; 5. G.F. Central, 15; T6. Century, 6; T6. Fargo Davies, 6; 8. Legacy, 5; 9. Fargo North, 2; T10. Fargo South, 1; T10. Shanley, 1; T12. Williston, 0; T12. Bismarck High, 0; T12. Jamestown, 0; T12. West Fargo; T12. Wahpeton, 0; T12. Valley City, 0; T12. Minot North, 0
Top 5 WDA Finishers/All Divisions: Singles 1: 1. Karter Hatzenbuhler, Mandan; 4. Charlie Holzer, Century; 5. Caleb Johnson, Legacy; Singles 2: 1. Jared Christen, Mandan; 2. Aidan Diehl, Minot High; 5. Carter Anderson, Century; Singles 3: 2. Nolan Callahan, Minot High; 3. Ryan Bitz, Mandan; 4. Jaden Kleinjan, Century; 4 Singles: 4. Lucas DeRosier, Mandan; 5. Ryan Mullally, Century; 5. Singles: 2. Deklan Wollschlager, Mandan; 6 Singles: 1. Matthew Christen, Mandan; 3. Calvin Olson, Minot High; 1 Doubles: 4. Cooper Miller-Connor Svihovec, Legacy; 2 Doubles: 1. Nolan Moore-Conor Odahlen, Minot High
Notes: WF Sheyenne won the tournament based on matches won in six singles divisions and three doubles divisions...WDA's Mandan tied for second with G.F. Red River...Singles and doubles players who finished in the top five in their division are included in the team finishers below
Results: Results

Team Places, Scores and Top Finishers

School Place Score Top Finishers
Bismarck 12th 0
Bismarck Century 6th 6 Charlie Holzer, 4th singles; Carter Anderson, 5th singles; Jaden Kleinjan, 4th; Ryan Mullally, 5th;
Bismarck Legacy 8th 5 (1) Caleb Johnson, 5th singles; (1) Connor Svihovec-Cooper Miller, 4th doubles;
Jamestown 12th 0
Mandan 2nd 24 (1) Karter Hatzenbuhler, 1st singles; (2) Jared Christen, 1st singles; (3) Ryan Bitz, 3rd singles; (4) Lucas DeRosier, 4th singles; (5) Deklan Wollschlager 2nd singles; (6) Matthew Christen, 1st singles
Minot 4th 16 (2) Aidan Diehl, 2nd singles; (3) Nolan Callahan, 2nd; (6) Calvin Olson, 3rd; (2) Nolan Moore-Conor Odahlen, 1st doubles
Minot North 12th 0
Williston 12th 0